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You're viewing Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition Cheat Codes

Game Name : Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2007-04-10 21:52:39
Views : 31956

Game Unlockables
Unlockables for Resident Evil 4...
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Alternate Title screenComplete the main game once
Ashley's knight armorBeat Separate Ways once
Ashley's pink outfitBeat the main game once
Assignment AdaBeat the main game once
Chicago TypewriterPass Assignment Ada once
HandCannonGet a 5 star in all stages with all characters in the Mercenaries
Infinite Rocket LauncherPass the game once
Leon's R.P.D. uniformBeat the main game once
Leon's suitBeat Separate Ways once
MaltildaPass the game once
MercenariesBeat the main game once
Movie BrowserBeat the main game once
PRL 412 weaponSuccessfully complete the game under the Professional mode
Separate WaysBeat the main game once

Mercenaries: Bonus characters
Get a four star or higher rank in the indicated Mercenaries mode level to unlock the corresponding character in Mercenaries mode.

Ada Wong: Pueblo
Albert Wesker: Waterworld
Hunk: Island
Jack Krauser: Castle

Wii Edition credits
Beat the main game once, then check the Bonus option in the Extras section of the main menu. You'll see an option for Wii Edition credits and can view the people responsible for porting Resident Evil 4 for the Wii.

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